October in the Playroom
In the past, the staff in the playroom have had the pleasure of observing new friendships develop between several children. Some of them in particular have a special bond with one other. A common interest with the trains has helped to foster these new friendships. It’s nice to see these children and others learning to negotiate and compromise with each other. These skills are important for the healthy social and emotional development of a child. Learning to be a friend is an important skill that is necessary for their success.
Music Circle
On Mondays at 11:30 a music therapist comes and leads parents and children in a ½ hour of singing and stories. Children learn songs, do a little dancing and make a lot of wonderful noise.
Wiggle, Giggle and Munch
Wednesday mornings from 10 – 12 we have Wiggle, Giggle & Munch for children who are into movement. The morning includes physical activities, a craft, circle time and a nutritious snack. October dates are the 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th. All our programs are run on a drop-in basis. You do not have to pre-register. Just come on the days that work for you and your family. For more information, please call us at 204-788-8055.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Abraham Maslow believed that human behavior is motivated by certain needs. According to him, these needs must be satisfied in a particular order starting with our lower level needs before we can satisfy higher level needs. Maslow based his theory partially on his own assumptions about human potential and partially on his case studies of historical figures whom he believed to be self-actualized. Maslow argued, the way in which essential needs are fulfilled is just as important as the needs themselves.
At the peak of this hierarchy is self-actualization. The hierarchy suggests that when the other needs at the base of the pyramid have been met, the individual can then focus their attention on this pinnacle need. Self-actualization is described as “…the desire for self-fulfillment, namely, to the tendency for him to become actualized in what he is potentially.”
Together, these define the human experience. To the extent a person finds cooperative social fulfillment, he establishes meaningful relationships with other people and the larger world. In other words, he establishes meaningful connections to an external reality—an essential component of self-actualization. In contrast, to the extent that vital needs find selfish and competitive fulfillment, a person acquires hostile emotions and limited external relationships—his awareness remains internal and limited.
Getting your needs met is crucial as you invest in the wellness of your body, mind and spirit and orient your life around your values and passions. In this way you actually have more to give others and you expect less in return, so you’re giving is unconditional. You can build your reserves, you are stronger, and you are a role model showing others how to treat themselves and others with true respect.