Something New for Parents
What: Parent’s Coffee/Tea Time &Treats
When: Monday mornings (before music circle)
Thursday mornings (10:30-11:30 am)
Where: The Big Comfy Couches in the Drop In
Come and Relax!
May in the Playroom
After a long and cold winter, the children in the playroom have finally been able to go outside to the side yard to play. As a drop-in, it can be challenging to gather a group to head outdoors. There are shoes and jackets to find, bags to pack and children to herd. But despite the time and effort it seems to take to gather everything and everyone, the benefits of outdoor play outweighs any of these challenges. While outside, children have the opportunity to expend some of their energies. Running, shouting and general silliness is now encouraged. Looking for bugs, playing with the dirt and sand, and simply watching the clouds and birds go by are just some of the activities that the children enjoy. As the weather continues to warm up, we hope to spend more and more time in our side yard. Outdoor play is good for the mind, body, and spirit.
Music Circle
On Mondays at 11:30 a music therapist comes and leads parents and children in a ½ hour of singing and stories. Children learn songs, do a little dancing and make a lot of wonderful noise. May dates are the 7th, 14th, and 28th.
Wiggle, Giggle and Munch
Wednesday mornings from 10 – 12 we have Wiggle, Giggle & Munch for children who are into movement. The morning includes physical activities, a craft, circle time and a nutritious snack. May dates are the 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th. All our programs are run on a drop-in basis. You do not have to pre-register. Just come on the days that work for you and your family. For more information, please call us at 204-788-8055.
Did you know that more children are developing type 2 Diabetes? (Diabetes Canada, 2018)
Some risk factors include:
- Being overweight or inactive
- Being a member of an ethnic group at high risk for type 2 diabetes (African, Hispanic, Asian, South Asian and Aboriginal)
- Having a family history of type 2 diabetes
- Being born to a mother who had diabetes during pregnancy
- Having dark, velvety patches of skin on the neck and under the arms
Regular physical activity may help children to maintain a healthy weight and prevent health problems, including type 2 Diabetes.
Healthy bodies: Regular activity builds a healthy heart, burns excess energy to help maintain a healthy weight.
Positive self-esteem: Activity helps children feel good and try new skills.
Social skills: Group activity provides the chance to make friends, build confidence and learn team-building skills.
Good mental health: Activity can reduce stress, anxiety and depression.
Better grades: Activity can improve memory, creativity and problem-solving.
What can parents do?
- Be active as a family – walk to school, play at the park or swim at a local pool.
- Start with 5 to 10 minutes at a time- small steps to success.
- Choose activities that fit the ability and interests of your child – soccer, biking, ball hockey or skipping.
- Focus on ‘fun’ and less on winning.
- Encourage play time – outside or inside (dancing, balloon volleyball, bean bag games).