We believe in…
Community Capacity Building, Empowerment, Strengths-Based Community Development
Our community and the families in it have multitudes of strengths and wonderful potential. We aim to offer a supportive environment to build on those strengths and work towards that potential.
Inclusion, Non-judgement, Harm Reduction, Removing Barriers
All families with young children are welcome and treated with respect. We strive to remove or reduce barriers to accessing support safely, and to meet you where you’re at, without judgement, recognizing that you are the expert in your own life.
Participation in all of Acorn Family Place’s programs is voluntary, free, and open to all families with young children. We look to our community for leadership, direction and guidance.
Programs and services are always evolving in order to be responsive to, and better meet the needs and priority of the families who access our centre.
We develop relationships and partnerships with other organizations in our community, in order to better meet the needs of families and the community as a whole though collaboration.
Population Health
Health and well-being is determined by the complex interactions between the individual, community and society. Acorn Family Place strives to provide supports to address these determinants of health: Biology/Genetics, Social Supports and Coping Skills, Education, Culture, Childhood Experiences, Access to Health Services, Income and Social Status, Gender, Healthy Behaviours, Race/ Racism, Physical Environments, and Employment and Working Conditions.
Equity, Justice, and Anti-Racism
We acknowledge the systems of oppression that impact so many members of our community – racism, sexism, colonialism, able-ism, and more. We aim to challenge those systems within our sphere of influence.
Truth and Reconciliation
Operating on Treaty 1 Territory, we embrace our responsibility to learn about the history and current realities of colonialism and the harm it has caused to Indigenous communities. We aim to support healing and the development and deepening of relationships based on mutual respect and understanding between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities and individuals.
Inter-sectional Feminism and the Right to Choose
We recognize that our society still often places a heavier load on women in raising families, and that mothers and non-binary parents who also experience other forms of discrimination face additional challenges. We celebrate families and caregivers of all genders and make-ups. We challenge gender stereotypes. We respect the autonomy of everyone over their own body.